
About Us

The Society of Physics Students is a social and an academic club that invites anyone with an interest in physics, mathematics, or science in general. Being a Physics major is not a requirement to join this club. If you would like to join, just attend one of our meetings and we will help with the rest!

Our weekly meetings may include a mix of socialization with other club members/faculty/persons of interest (such as Nobel laureates), help with homework, captivating lectures with professors and other guests, advice by graduate students and professors, and a healthy amount of tomfoolery that naturally occurs when students gather together. We also take trips to cool places (like national laboratories), build things (like fusors and spark chambers), and conduct outreach – just check out our photos to see it all!

Under normal circumstances we meet every Friday at 5:15PM EST in Mason 2117.
Between meetings, normally, we can be found in the SPS room, Howey 203.