Category: Activities

Posted on: April 21, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 SPS Formal

It is the end of the year and we must celebrate at the annual SPS Formal – a unique opportunity to dress up and be awkward in a non-academic setting. The dancing was bad, but the friends were good. We saw that both Aradhya Rajanala and Will Hall can really get down low and Piero Chaiappina did a backflip! We wrote goodbye cards to those graduating and watched them sign the wall. Then we went up to the roof and watched the stars…some people may have gotten stuck in the elevator, too!

Posted on: April 17, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 SPS Cookout

This year, the annual SPS cookout was a great success! The planning committee decided to add some extra excitement buy putting on a BBQ competition between some of the people in the department; apparently they had been boasting about their great skill. Well the SPS saw that they were tested – without a curve, no less. Professors Edwin Greco, Michael Chapman, and Nepomuk Otte competed and…..professor Michael Chapman won! The SPS presented the first place winner with a plaque, but one of the judges – professor Morigal handed out his own prizes; first place received a white onion, second place received a yellow onion, and third place a shallot! We hope this competition becomes a permanent part of the annual cookout!