Tag: Meetings

Posted on: August 24, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 August Meeting – Liquid Nitrogen Ice-cream

A new event this year, the ice cream social was inspired by Georgia Tech’s own Society of Women in Physics. Professor Martin Mourigal bought the club a huge canister of liquid nitrogen which to make lots of ice cream. By the time everyone had ice cream, the tank wasn’t yet depleted and we couldn’t store it anywhere so it had to be used up. We spontaneously found other things like cookies and hot dogs to freeze until it was all gone. One of our cold concoctions was a ‘cold stir fry’, what a time!

Posted on: April 20, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 April Meeting – Debunked Talks

For our last meeting of the semester we tried something new! Members to signed up to give a technical talk on some already disproven theory in physics – but they had to present it as if it was true. It made for some quite hilarious presentations. Andrew Shumway presented on the Aether wind, Alex Buser on Phlogistron Theory, CJ Llorente on Flat Earth, Austin Gilbert on The Time Cube, Sam Wiley on The Moon Conspiracy (because the moon is totally fake), and Martino Stino presented on Geocentrism.

Posted on: March 2, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 March Meeting – Quantum Werewolf

At this meeting, SPS member and Historian, Robin Glefke, suggested we play a game called quantum werewolf! This game is like mafia or werewolf (whichever name you are more familiar with) except your role in the game is in a quantum superposition of all roles in the game. As soon as a player ‘dies,’ their role is determined and can in turn affect other players status! Overall it was incredibly confusing and complicated, but a load of fun. The command line executable we used to play the game can be found here: http://my.fit.edu/~wellsm2011/qwolf/” rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>my.fit.edu/~wellsm2011/qwolf/

Posted on: February 23, 2018 Posted by: Your Officers Comments: 0

2018 February Meeting – Physics Jeopardy

At this meeting, former president, Alex Buser, put together a game of Physics Jeopardy for us to play! Unfortunately, the links for questions in the jeopardy power-point were all messed up; each time someone chose a question it was a surprise to see what they actually got. This also lead to scuffles over whether the originally chosen number of points or the displayed points would be awarded – rampant cheating prevailed. In the end, the group “Aaradhya and the Ladies” won by a large margin – completely fair and square as well. Go girls!